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The Genius Way is a Philosophy based around the concept that each person has a seed of identity that they are born with, like an existential DNA. This individual Genius seed is a blueprint of our particular qualities and our potential for self-expression; a set of personal talents, callings, and predispositions that we as individuals are meant to express outwardly in the world.

The Genius Way is a Self-Discovery Process that is designed to be a self-generated protocol that informs and directs you on your individual life path.  You will learn how to listen to your Genius callings and to use your inner gifts as a guide and compass to move forward with your life in a purposive way. The Genius Way Process teaches specific Life Skills that strengthen your connection to your Genius callings and gifts.


The Genius Way is a Life Practice and Framework. The mission of The Genius Way is to elicit your innate Genius qualities and help you to bring your Genius gifts into the world. By learning and practicing The Genius Way Life Skills, you can bring your individual Genius qualities into your day-to-day life as a living presence and reality. Having the ability to express your Genius can help you to live a life that feels fulfilling and meaningful.



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Take advantage of my course designed to guide you through a self-inquiry protocol designed to heighten your awareness of your own Genius identity, and how to align yourself to the things you were literally born to be and express.

You will learn to customize what you learn in this course into a personal practice that will fit your needs and schedule.

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Inner Agility


"Working within a person's psychology means working primarily with what has been wounded in them and is in need of healing, while working with the existential core of a person is to work with their seed of identity or their Genius that simply needs a channel or avenue of expression. To address the existential issue separately from the psychological one, I needed a name and framework to set them apart. I developed The Genius Way as a path for addressing our existential calling to find our life direction."

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