Published Books and Courses
Summoning Genius
"What now?" is the great life question we ask ourselves in the second half of our lives. Summoning Genius: A Midlife Guide to Discovering Identity, Purpose, and Meaning offers practical guidance, helpful exercises and inspirational support for those who are struggling to find value, meaning and purpose at midlife, and explores the questions and issues that arise in the process. Available in paperback and ebook formats.
The Genius Way
The nature of our individual Genius is to express something (or some things) in particular. This need is . . . primal, in that we are born with it, and is therefore deeper than our psychology. Whether we believe it or not, something in us has a need for life direction with a personal sense of meaning and purpose. And it’s up to each one of us to figure this out for ourself. Available in paperback and ebook formats.
Get Your Life Moving With A Daily Intention Practice
In this course, you'll learn about yourself through a guided self-inquiry protocol designed to heighten your awareness of your own Genius identity, and how to align yourself to the things you were literally born to be and express.
You will learn to customize what you learn in this course into a personal practice that will fit your needs and schedule.